And He Shall Be Called I AM

From The Volumes of Truth

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10/31/04 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Our Lord and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

I am The I AM...

I am The Lord Your God.
I am The Lord Your Righteousness.
I am The Anointed One.
I am The Messiah.
I am The Only Lord of Hosts.
I am The Holy One of Israel.
I am The Star out of Jacob.
I am Immanu El.
I am The One to Whom Sing the Hosts of Heaven.
I am The Everlasting Light of the World.
I am The Source of Life.
I am Eternal Life.
I am Your Salvation.
I am The Son of Man.
I am The Passover.
I am Your Sacrifice.
I am The Lamb of God.
I am The Redeemer.
I am Your Ransom.
I am The Resurrection and The Life.
I am The Mediator.
I am Your Advocate.
I am The Glorious One on High.
I am The Keeper of My Saints.
I am The Lover of Souls.
I am The One in Which All Rejoice.
I am The Song of Your Heart.
I am Your Tears of Joy.
I am The Nectar of Life.
I am The Kingdom.
I am The Power.
I am The Glory.
I am The Origin of Life.
I am The Creator.
I am The Maker of All Things.
I am He by Whom All Things Consist.
I am He Who Has Loved You Before the Foundation of the World.
I am He Through Whom You Were Made.
I am The Breath of Life.
I am The One Who Is and Who Was and Who Is to Come.
I am The Almighty.
I am The One Who Reigns Forever.
I am The Only God.
I am Your Father.
I am Your Protector.
I am The Guardian of Your Soul.
I am The Author.
I am also The Finisher.
I am The Bright and Morning Star.
I am The Wisdom.
I am The Word of God.
I am The Answer You Search For.
I am The Truth You Seek.
I am The Only Truth, The Truth Absolute.
I am The Faithful and True Witness.
I am Your Closest Friend.
I am The Sower.
I am also The Reaper.
I am The Dayspring.
I am The Water of Life.
I am also Your Bread, The Very Manna from Heaven.
I am The Savior.
I am The Risen One.
I am The Fulfillment of The Law.
I am The Goal at Which The Torah Aims.
I am The Fulfillment of All Things.
I am Holy.
I am Mercy.
I am The Seat.
I am also Wrath and Justice.
I am He Who Searches the Hearts and Minds.
I am The Righteous Judge.
I am The Cornerstone.
I am The Rock.
I am The Tree.
I am also The Branch.
I am The Son of David.
I am The Shepherd.
I am The Gate for My Sheep.
I am The Master.
I am The Good Teacher.
I am The Beloved.
I am The Bridegroom.
I am The Love That Never Fades.
I am The Day Star Who Arises in the Hearts of Men.
I am Your Heart’s Desire.
I am The Inspiration.
I am The Voice.
I am The Counselor.
I am The Hope.
I am The Bestower of Gifts.
I am The Reward.
I am The Healer.
I am Your Servant.
I am The Salvation Day.
I am The Horn of Salvation.
I am God’s Salvation, YahuShua.
I am The Loving Mercy of God.
I am The Son of God.
I am The Firstborn Over All Creation.
I am The Firstborn from the Dead.
I am The First Fruit.
I am Your High Priest.
I am The Face of God.
I am The Image of The Invisible God.
I am The Authority.
I am The Mighty and Strong One.
I am The Right Arm of God.
I am The Strong One of Jacob.
I am The Lion of the Tribe of Judah.
I am The Warrior of God Who Needs No Weapon.
I am The One with the Double-Edged Sword in His Mouth.
I am He Who Sits on the White Horse.
I am He Who Is Coming on the Clouds.
I am He Who Will Shine from the East unto the West.
I am He Who Holds the Seven Stars in His Right Hand.
I am He Who Has Eyes Like Flaming Fire.
I am He Who Wears the Golden Sash.
I am He Who Holds the Iron Scepter.
I am King of Kings.
I am Lord of Lords.
I am The First and The Last.
I am He Who Died and Is Alive Forevermore.
I am The Conqueror of Death.
I am The One Who Has the Seven-fold Spirit of God.
I am The Holder of the Book of Life.
I am The One Who Has the Key of David.
I am He Who Opens Doors No One Can Shut.
I am The One Who Holds the Keys of Death and Sheol.
I am Lord Over Heaven and Earth.
I am The One Who Sits at The Right Hand of God.
I am The In All, Be All, of Existence.
I am The Meaning of Life.
I am The True Vine.
I am Reachable.
I am Close to You.
I am Your Helper.
I am Your Comfort.
I am The Sanctuary.
I am The Anchor.
I am Your Rearguard.
I am Your Strength.
I am The Spirit.
I am The Holy Presence.
I am Your Cloak.
I am The Fountain of Living Waters.
I am The Restoration of All Things.
I am The Prince of Peace.
I am The Amen.

I am The Way.
I am The Truth.
I am The Life.

I am YahuShua HaMashiach, The Gift.
I am for you, and you for Me.

I am The All in All.



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