Volume 3

From The Volumes of Truth

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Modern Scripture Spoken to This Generation...
Hear The Word of The Lord!


Copyright © 2004-2016 ~ All Rights Reserved. Letters from God and His Christ™ - THE VOLUMES OF TRUTH™ may be reproduced for distribution with the following guidelines:

  1. No word(s) may be changed, added to or omitted from the Letters from God and His Christ.
  2. Letters from God and His Christ are absolutely FREE to everyone, via internet download HERE or at: http://www.TrumpetCallofGod.com. You may also print them here by clicking on the "Print this page" under the "Views" section in the lower right hand corner.
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Table of Contents for Volume Three

  1. Living Sacrifices, (*mp3)
  2. Proclaim NOT the Hell of the Churches of Men, (*mp3)
  3. To the Church Who Dwells in the Midst Of and Sits Upon Seven Hills, (*mp3)
  4. Deceptions, (*mp3)
  5. *The Last Trump, (*mp3)
  6. *The Mountains Shall Crumble and Fall Upon the Desolate, (*mp3)
  7. *Woe to the Captives of This World, (*mp3)
  8. *The Watchman, (*mp3)
  9. Desolations Are Determined, (*mp3)
  10. You Shall Not Desecrate the Sabbath, (*mp3)
  11. Culmination, (*mp3)
  12. *The Truth Absolute, (*mp3)
  13. *The Vineyard, (*mp3)
  14. *Stricken, (*mp3)
  15. Unleavened, (*mp3)
  16. I AM RISEN, (*mp3)
  17. *Awake, All You Churches of Men, (*mp3)
  18. *To the Church Who Bears the Name, Jehovah, Who Neither Know My Church Nor Remain in My Body, (*mp3)
  19. *Abide in the Doctrine of The Messiah, (*mp3)
  20. *The Dust Has Been Shaken Off the Feet of God’s Messengers as a Testament Against You, O Churches of Men, (*mp3)
  21. Hallowed Ground, (*mp3)
  22. *The Promise, (*mp3)
  23. Chosen Vessels, (*mp3)
  24. *Blessed Are Those Who Overcome for My Name’s Sake, (*mp3)
  25. *Many Are Called, Yet Few Are Chosen, (*mp3)
  26. *Refinement and The Day of The Lord, (*mp3)
  27. *I Am With You Always, (*mp3)
  28. *Rebellion, Recompense, Reformation, (*mp3)
  29. *Grafted In, (*mp3)
  30. *Born Again, (*mp3)
  31. *Under God, (*mp3)

This ends Volume Three.

Proceed to Volume 4.


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Thank you, and may YAHUWAH bless you always and in all ways,
In YahuShua HaMashiach, our Lord and Savior.

Your fellow servant in Messiah,
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