A Trying of Your Trust, a Testing of Your Resolve... Your Faith Revealed

From The Volumes of Truth

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5/14/10 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For The Lord’s Little Flock, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

Little flock, hear My words and give heed to My commands.

In your doings I am well pleased, yet you have not awaited My command. Have I commanded you to keep this feast at such a time as this? Behold, even Timothy ran ahead and did not await My command. Therefore hear the Word of My mouth, for it is I who commands you, yes I, The Lord of Heaven and Earth, YAHUWAH, The One alone who causes to be.

For thus says The Lord: You also must be tried, you also must be tested. For this Pentecost is and shall be, yet is not and shall be no longer. Therefore you shall indeed keep this day, which is set apart, holy. And you shall do so by service, honoring Me by doing that which I command you. For some this shall be a new beginning, and to others a falling away - a testing of your resolve, a trying of your trust, an exercise in obedience according to your faith. Yet remember this: No matter your decision, I know your hearts. And behold, some have fallen away already.
Therefore this is what you shall do on this Pentecost, even a week before the time: You shall go out and warn them from Me. You shall warn those in the churches of men, as many as you are able on this day. Yet the one to whom this Trumpet was given shall not go with you, nor shall he leave his house; neither he nor his wife shall go out. They shall remain separate and pray, making intercession for you and for those held captive in the churches of men. I AM THE LORD.
Behold, I have set before you a stone of stumbling, over which many shall fall. I have called you into service, according to your faith. Indeed I have given you much, therefore much shall I require; and only a very few shall remain. And so that which was begun shall be finished; the first of two is ending, and the second is about to begin; even as three are accomplished, one is ending, and three wait upon the horizon, soon to be fulfilled.

Therefore you must ask yourselves, little flock, “Where have all these seeds been sown? Have they taken root? Or are they choked by the multitude of weeds which have sprung up?” Beware, for the birds gather, and wait eagerly to devour all seeds which have fallen by the wayside.

Thus only that which is first shall bear fruit;
For that which is foremost bears fruit according
To the seed and The One who has sown it...

Yet that which is put first by men, which is not
Of the seed nor of The Sower, must die;
It must be uprooted and cast into the fire...

Says The Lord.


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