Kindle the Flame of Your Hearts on The Sabbath Day

From The Volumes of Truth

Kindle the Flame of Your Hearts on The Sabbath Day

2/18/11 From The Lord, Our God and Savior - For a Brother in Christ, The Lord’s Little Flock, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

This question was asked during an online fellowship: I have a question if it’s alright; it’s about preparing food on the Sabbath. Is this allowed? Exodus 35:3 - “You shall kindle no fire throughout your dwellings on the Sabbath day.” We need fire to heat up food. Or is this an ordinance?

Thus says The Lord: That which is needful, do. For the Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath. Therefore, prepare your meals as desired, in accordance with the needs of your household. In doing so, you have kindled no fire within your dwelling, nor have you gone out to gather in wood.
Yet that which you are able to do on the sixth day, do in preparation and in anticipation of rest on the seventh. For I desire that My people rest from all their troubles on The Lord’s day, being filled with peace in the knowing that I AM WHO I AM... Received through The Spirit of grace which I shall pour out in the seventh day, even on the seventh of each week, upon all who remember.

Blessed are those who take pleasure in My Sabbaths,
Who delight in doing what is right and good on My holy days...

For they shall be renewed in the presence of The Lord...

Says The Lord Your Righteousness...

He who kindles the flame of the heart,
That His beloved may burn brightly in His name, in love.

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