Slothful Servants

From The Volumes of Truth

Slothful Servants

6/19/08 From The Lord, Our God and Savior - The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy, For The Lord’s Little Flock, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

Thus says The Lord to His servants: Why do you steal from God? How is it I have called to you, giving you the command, and you stay silent? You say you believe and know of My love, which surpasses understanding, now proclaim it! Beloved, the time has come for My servants to stand up! Have I not called to each one of you, saying, “Serve Me”? Yet you hesitate and rob your God. Behold, I have spoken to you all on many occasions, even placing it upon your hearts, yet you hesitate, you procrastinate while sitting upon your hands, saying within yourselves, “Tomorrow I will serve God, and later I will pick up the trumpet.” Thus you are no watchmen, yet for this reason I have called you out.
Know you not, that one in league with My watchman has by association become the same? Therefore I spoke to you, saying, “Beloved, come and walk with Me this far”, yet you answered, “How far?!” I have said, “Do this”, yet what have you done? How is it you stand up, yet begrudgingly? Where is your joy in service? Where is the sound of My name put forth in power, with steadfast belief and unwavering trust?... Beloved, give to the poor and help the afflicted, and give them double in My name. For as it is written: Whatsoever you do to the least of these, assuredly I say to you, you have done it to Me.[1]

Beloved, serve Me as I have loved you,
And do so rejoicing as you go...

For I am with you...

And I shall provide for all your needs,
Even as I have done from the beginning[2]...

Says The Lord.


  • Slothful Servants


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